Building My Foundation

Vanessa Santos

NCLC Field Trips

In every NCLC class, we took many field trips. The field trips that we took always had to do with each class’ theme. It allowed us to experience and learn in a new setting, rather than to just learn through reading a textbook.

They enhanced our experience by providing reading that were to be read prior to our trip. These readings always provide a foreshadow as to what we should keep in mind on our trip and to maybe think of things not as we normally do in today’s age but to look at it through the lens of the author or time period.

My favorite field trips from some of the NCLC class were

  • NCLC 102- our trip to Chinatown was definitely interesting in the fact that I was expecting it to be larger than two blocks. It was interesting to see how they preserved some of the buildings in order to keep its historical culture and at the same time how they changed little things like putting the zodiac symbols on the ground, for a tourist attraction.
  • NCLC 103- Our trip to the Environmental Studies on the Piedmont because we were given the opportunity to spend time in the woods and really separate ourselves from our busy lives and to just surrender to nature and to appreciate it for those few minutes.

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